openair gampel

tags against crimes & schauspielhaus zürich
tags against crimes & schauspielhaus zürich
TRIGGER WARNING - sexual abuse*
„Do not wash if you’ve just been sexually assaulted.“
This is the message of “Tags Against Crime”, an awareness campaign that @jungvonmattschweiz has brought to life together with the fashion label by @yannikzamboni .
We’re grateful for this collaboration and to be able to support this case production with various visual media.
Read more about “Tags Against Crime” here.
We would like to thank the survivors and organizations who have accompanied us in the process and shared their stories with us, thereby making a very important contribution to this project. 💛
Many thanks to @jungvonmattschweiz for the trust and the collaboration. 🫂
A big thank you to the most amazing team incl. rentals that supported us with all their heart. ✨
Thank you!
Director: @letsplantstories
Dop CH: @byrontrieb
Dop NY: @6uap
Photographer: @cyrillmatter
Producer: @lauraseric, @mariskavanlavieren
Gaffer, Grip, AC: @timon_flu, @oliverpailer
Sound on set: @_soundwise_
Illustrator: @silvanborer
Assistant Illustrations: @florindebuzuku
Art Department: @emiliefischer1
HMU: @makeupbyalyssiaolivia
Edit: @_cosmic_carl_, @team_o_films
VFX & Grading: @byrontrieb
Motion Graphics: @jungvonmattschweiz
Music composer: @silvanborer
Voiceover: @_soundwise_
Support: @larsarchives, @jopvangastel, @mphomokgadi
Light & Grip Rental: @blowuprental
Camera Renta: @octamas_rental
Model: @syntheticmilk_premium
Voiceover german: @benim.tugba
Voiceover english: @lindalustenberger
UZH Institut Pharmakologie + Toxikologie
Stadtpolizei Zürich
UZH Institut für Rechtsmedizin
„Do not wash if you’ve just been sexually assaulted.“
This is the message of “Tags Against Crime”, an awareness campaign that @jungvonmattschweiz has brought to life together with the fashion label by @yannikzamboni .
We’re grateful for this collaboration and to be able to support this case production with various visual media.
Read more about “Tags Against Crime” here.
We would like to thank the survivors and organizations who have accompanied us in the process and shared their stories with us, thereby making a very important contribution to this project. 💛
Many thanks to @jungvonmattschweiz for the trust and the collaboration. 🫂
A big thank you to the most amazing team incl. rentals that supported us with all their heart. ✨
Thank you!
Director: @letsplantstories
Dop CH: @byrontrieb
Dop NY: @6uap
Photographer: @cyrillmatter
Producer: @lauraseric, @mariskavanlavieren
Gaffer, Grip, AC: @timon_flu, @oliverpailer
Sound on set: @_soundwise_
Illustrator: @silvanborer
Assistant Illustrations: @florindebuzuku
Art Department: @emiliefischer1
HMU: @makeupbyalyssiaolivia
Edit: @_cosmic_carl_, @team_o_films
VFX & Grading: @byrontrieb
Motion Graphics: @jungvonmattschweiz
Music composer: @silvanborer
Voiceover: @_soundwise_
Support: @larsarchives, @jopvangastel, @mphomokgadi
Light & Grip Rental: @blowuprental
Camera Renta: @octamas_rental
Model: @syntheticmilk_premium
Voiceover german: @benim.tugba
Voiceover english: @lindalustenberger
UZH Institut Pharmakologie + Toxikologie
Stadtpolizei Zürich
UZH Institut für Rechtsmedizin

animations for curaden
video: ko photography
michele laurita
various animations